The vision and
mission of
Stepping Stones
Our vision is for a fairer, more equitable society where adults with learning disabilities receive the education, training and support they require to fulfill their potential.
Our mission is to increase our students’ knowledge and confidence, encouraging them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives within their community.
Our day centre
Our day centre provides support and training in a relaxed and friendly environment. Most students attend for two or three days per week, depending on their needs. All of our workshops incorporate life skills such as literacy, numeracy and communication. Students are also encouraged to engage with our local community by taking part in activities outside the centre.
Our students
We aim to be as much as possible a student led organisation. Students are encouraged to take an active role in shaping our activities and take responsibility for the running of the centre. Each workshop has around three students taking part, a tutor facilitating and often a volunteer supporting. Our small workshop sizes allow students’ individual needs to be met through tailored support. Students enjoy taking part in group activities but are also supported to pursue personal projects.