Independent Life Skills

‘I can practice things that help me when I get back to my flat by myself.’


  • In the terraced house

    Two students a day work alongside a tutor to improve their domestic life skills at a terraced house a few minutes walk from our centre. The students are responsible for all aspects of housekeeping including all areas of the house and garden. The project is designed to prepare students for independent living.

  • In our centre

    Two students per day are responsible for the housekeeping at our centre. They make drinks at breaktime, clean the communal areas and do the laundry. These activities further develop their domestic skills and ready them for independent living.

  • In the community

    During their housekeeping sessions the students are also encouraged to plan their social lives. They may have friends or family round for tea or a meal. They may organise trips into town to pursue their favourite activities. We encourage the students to build meaningful activities into their everyday lives, forming healthy habits and relationships.